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    3 Keys to Improving SEO

    by Andie Ostrowski

    Guest Author

    March 28, 2022 | 3 minutes, 53 seconds read

    GoMotion - Tips and Tricks - SEO

    For the past decade or so, search engine optimization or “SEO” has been a buzzword that many small business owners have come across when trying to figure out how best to market their business. 

    While it is a vital part of ensuring you get noticed online, many people tend to shrink it down to just a buzzword. Why? It can be confusing, it never seems like you get immediate results, and it’s not clear exactly how to be good at SEO. 

    In this article, I’ll break down what SEO is, why it’s important and how you can build upon your SEO (and yes, it is an ongoing work in progress, but it can be fun!). 

    What is SEO?

    SEO is search engine optimization. Okay, nice. What does search engine optimization mean? Well, I once was told to think about SEO like this. SEO is the perpetual action of pleasing Google, so more people find you online. Ever wonder why websites show up in a particular order when you search online? A few contributing factors, but SEO plays a huge role in this. 

    Why is SEO important?

    As a marketer, I found this joke to be funny, I hope you like it too…

    Where is the best place to hide a dead body? 

    On page 2 of your Google search results

    **everyone reading this laughs hysterically*

    laughing seo

    Joking aside, I think we all can relate to the point here. When searching for something on Google, we NEVER go to page 2 and beyond to find what we are looking for. We stay within the top 3 results, and SEO will help you dramatically in ensuring you show up in those first 3 results. 

    3 ways to improve your SEO?

    Now that you know what SEO is and why it’s important, here are the 3 ways you can improve your SEO

    1. Start pumping out that content

    Google loves content… even more than all of us, believe it or not! The key thing that Google likes is content FREQUENCY. 

    Above all, it’s important to make sure that within your website, you are adding photos, articles, posts, videos, etc. regularly. Oftentimes people will assume you can write one article and let it ride (which you certainly can) but constant new content is very important. 

    When publishing this content regularly it is also important to keep one thing in mind.

    Would people search for this content?

    I’ll give an example that may be applicable. If you are a martial arts school based in Minneapolis, MN, you likely want people to visit your website so that they can register themselves or their child to be a new student. 

    The individual will probably go to Google and type in “upcoming martial arts registrations in Minneapolis”. 

    Make sure that the content you are posting can serve as a result for that individual. In other words. Make sure that the article you just posted this week is promoting your upcoming registration and has keywords in it, like “martial arts” “registration” and “upcoming”. 

    2. Make sure other people link to your website

    The technical term for this is “backlinks”. Google loves backlinks because it verifies that you are a trusted business. 

    A comparable situation I like to use to explain this:

    If a job candidate is telling you how amazing they are and everything they have achieved, you don't take it at face value. But, if a non-biased third party tells you how amazing that job candidate is and everything they achieved, they instantly become 10x more trustworthy. 

    If another website is linking back to your website, you will instantly become 10x more trustworthy.

    Some ideas to get links back to your site- ask your families to help promote your gym, studio, or facility. Find potential sponsors or partners that can drive links back to your website.

    3. Your mobile experience should be to the nines

    Based on your own web searching behavior, I don’t think you would be surprised to know that most people use their mobile devices to surf the web. 

    The tricky part with this is when we are making edits to our website, and we are usually doing it from our laptop. So we save and publish, and forget to check how that website looks from our cellphone. 

    Being mobile-friendly with your website will help your SEO ratings as well. Make sure that you check your website provider’s capabilities for being mobile-friendly!

    If you are looking for a website to help with that, SportsEngine Motion is an all-in-one website specifically for studios, gyms, and facilities that includes mobile-friendly capabilities. 

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Tap Into SportsEngine Motion's Reporting to Maximize Your Income

March 23, 2022 | 3 minutes, 59 seconds read

Woman accountant use calculator and computer with holding pen on

Between charges, payments, credits, and more, we know that working on your finances can be stressful. But with SportsEngine Motion’s reporting tools, you can stay on top of all your business finance needs with ease. As the year comes to an end, it is important to have a complete understanding of your finances and collect any outstanding balances so that you can start the new year on the right foot.

Here are our top tips to utilize SportsEngine Motion reporting to manage your finances and maximize your income.

Setting Up Charge Categories

One of the easiest ways to keep your business finances organized is to set up charge categories. When collecting payments from customers, every charge that your business issues should be assigned its own charge category. Think of the many different items you charge your members and accounts for: competition fees, monthly dues, uniforms, and more. With all of these varying sources of income, it can become difficult to keep track of which channels are generating the most revenue, or what categories you may be over or under indexing. Categorizing your charges can help you identify which sources of revenue you should be leaning in to, and which might need some extra attention.

When setting up your billing or adding new line items to a payment plan, it is imperative to assign charge categories that specifically reflect what you are collecting money for. Charge categories allow you to understand how much money has been invoiced to your accounts and how much has been paid or credited towards that charge. You can even access that data within the SportsEngine Motion app with the Charge Category Report, which gives you a view of all of your charges and payment summaries by category to help you easily maintain your businesses finances.

To dive even deeper into each individual account’s financial data, use the Account Summary Report to give you a view of all the payments made by each account by category.

Overdue Accounts

Staying on top of overdue accounts and chasing down late payments isn’t something any business owner enjoys, but it’s an essential part of ensuring that your business gets paid for services rendered. Fortunately, tracking these dues is easy with SportsEngine Motion’s specialty filters and reporting features in the Billing Manager.

Within the system, there are a number of filters to keep you organized, including an Overdue Charge Summary Report that allows you to view which accounts have a past due balance and how many days they are overdue. If you need to see which members of a specific team or class have an outstanding balance, use your Customized Filters to select specific programs and then use the Overdue Charges filter to create a simple report of overdue accounts. From there, you can easily follow up with the overdue accounts to collect payments or directly communicate with families to create payment plans.


Discounts can be a major lead generation tool to attract families to your organization, but have you ever tracked how much money you’ve really been giving away in this method of outreach? The Discount Coupon Report is a feature that shows you how many discounts and coupons have been provided to your members over a period of time. It is broken down by account and discount or coupon name, so you can see which accounts are receiving the most discount, and what they’re receiving discounts for.

There are different ways that you can regain control of the discounting options that you provide to members. When creating and assigning coupon codes and discounts for a class, consider adding an expiration date or maximum dollar amount the total can be discounted by. You can also prorate discounts, or even set up rules so that the only charge category that is discounted is the class fee.

Pro tip: Switch the date range filter to “Last Year” to get a full snapshot of your discounting. This may be a great time to reevaluate your discount plans before heading into the new year or starting your next season.

Staying on top of your organization’s finances can be a daunting task, especially when there are so many moving pieces to running a business. And let’s face it - you want to be spending most of your time with the youth athletes cultivating their talent and spreading the love of the sport. That’s why SportsEngine Motion makes sure that utilizing the reports and tools outlined above is simple and provides a comprehensive view of your finances with the click of a button, making it the perfect first step to taking back control of your business finances.

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How to Use Social Media and Email Communication to Generate Revenue

by Kristin Weingarden


December 03, 2021 | 2 minutes, 17 seconds read

Business person reading emails on smartphone and laptop computer screen online, communication and marketing concept

Effective communication with your customers is essential to a business. It allows you to establish trust and maintain a mutually beneficial and ongoing relationship with them. Having a relationship built on trust means a customer is more likely to come back, remain satisfied, and recommend others to use your business—ultimately leading you to generate more revenue. 


In today’s digital world, there are many different ways a small business owner can choose to communicate with their audience without it becoming overwhelming. Let’s look at two channels you can use to grow your relationship with your customers through effective communication.

Social Media

Today, more and more people are connecting with family, friends, and businesses through social media. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or one of the many other platforms, the ease with which you can speak to others is key to using your time effectively. Customers come to these platforms in search of support & answers to their questions and information about your service or product. This means that it is critical for you to be present and active in this space.

Since social media is key when sharing information with your customers quickly, it is a great way to notify your audience about your offerings. For example, posting about new classes or upcoming events can help increase signup urgency. Another way to engage with your audience is to share when new apparel or gear arrives in your pro shop available for purchase. 

SportsEngine Motion’s built-in tools make this a breeze. The Social Feed is a great way to post quick information to your website, mobile app, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all at the same time. These tools are simple and easy-to-use social tools that can save you time, while still allowing you to get your message out to your target audience.


A newsletter may just be a fancy word for “email”, but newsletters are more important than you may think. Newsletters are an efficient way to share a lot of information about your business in a single communication. A monthly newsletter is a great way to maintain regular contact with your customers, cementing a relationship with your organization. By combining useful information with specific calls to action for your products or services, you can provide content while motivating a reader to take a particular action. You can direct customers to take actions that lead to more revenue for your business, like signing up for a new class, bringing in a friend, or participating in a fundraiser, all in one email. 

No matter how you choose to communicate with your customers, sharing important information and maintaining a continuous relationship is imperative to take your business to the next level.

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