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A Guide to the Different Types of Martial Arts

by Jerry Wacholz


March 24, 2023 | 6 minutes, 17 seconds read

martial arts kicking

Martial arts are some of the oldest forms of training in the world. They've been practiced for thousands of years in different parts of the world, and each has unique strengths, weaknesses, and philosophies. In this guide, we'll review some examples of different types of martial arts to help better understand what would be best for you.


Karate is a Japanese martial art that focuses on striking techniques. It's also considered to be a self-defense art, fitness art, and spiritual art. There are different styles of karate, but they all share the same core principles: kata (forms), kihon (basics), bunkai (application), and kumite (sparring).

Karate can be challenging, especially when learning advanced techniques like breaking boards or sparring against others. But it is also great for beginners because it's easy to understand and offers a lot of self-defense techniques that can be used in real-life situations.

Kung Fu

Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art that has existed for thousands of years. It's not just about fighting and self-defense; it teaches you how to control your emotions, focus on what you want to achieve, and be strong physically and mentally. Kung Fu is known as one of the world's most popular martial arts because it combines hard techniques (punches) with soft ones (like throws). This makes it easier for people who are still building up their strength but still want to learn how to fight someone bigger than them.

Kung Fu is a great martial art for people who want to learn how to defend themselves and have fun. You'll learn how to punch and kick and use your entire body in self-defense and combat. There are many different styles of Kung Fu, so you can choose one that fits you best.


Jiu-jitsu is a martial art and combat sport focusing on grappling, especially ground fighting. It developed in Japan but has been adapted for use by other martial arts styles and military special operations forces. It was created from Kodokan Judo by combining new techniques with old ones from traditional Japanese jujutsu schools (Kano being one of them), which were themselves derived from medieval battlefield combat systems called koryu ("old school"), such as Takenouchi-ryu or Sengoku period swordsmanship.

Jiu-Jitsu has various techniques, including strikes and thrusts, takedowns, and joint locking techniques. It also focuses on developing an understanding of leverage to control your opponent effectively.

Jeet Kune Do

Jeet Kune Do is a hybrid style of martial arts that emphasizes simplicity and efficiency, and it's best known for its emphasis on fluidity in combat. The concept of JKD is simple: you must adapt your fighting style to suit any situation or opponent. Your movements should be quick, efficient, and effective at neutralizing opponents. But if you face someone who uses different tactics than those you're used to, those same moves won't work anymore.

You'll learn to be able to adapt and improvise, which means you need to be flexible and creative. Jeet Kune Do doesn't have a rigid set of rules that dictate what moves are allowed in combat. Instead, it emphasizes self-expression through martial arts. This makes it an efficient style of fighting that can work well even if your opponent is unfamiliar with its techniques.


Savate is a French kickboxing-style martial art focusing on kicks and footwork rather than punches. Of all the different types of martial arts out there, Savate is known for its use of the front kick and side kick to attack an opponent's legs or body. Savate also differs from many other styles because it allows you to use your hands and feet when fighting an opponent so that you can punch them.

Savate is an excellent martial art for anyone looking to learn how to defend themselves in a real-world situation. Because of its emphasis on kicks and footwork, Savate is also great for fighting off multiple opponents at once.


Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that originated in the 16th century. It combines dance, acrobatics, and fighting techniques to create a unique self-defense style. Enslaved people first used it to defend themselves against capture. The art began when enslaved Africans were taken to Brazil and combined their own martial arts with Portuguese culture to create capoeira.

Capoeira is played on a circular field about four or five feet high. The players are called "capoeiristas" and wear white uniforms with colored sashes and hats. When the capoeira begins, the player will use their body to perform acrobatics such as handstands, headstands, and cartwheels while fighting their opponent.

Many styles of capoeira focus on different aspects of the art, such as music, acrobatics, or fighting techniques. Some styles even blend other martial arts with capoeira to create unique forms of self-defense. 

Muay Thai

Muay Thai is a martial art that combines boxing, karate, and wrestling. It's famous for its use of knees and elbows. This powerful martial art originated in Thailand but has spread worldwide as a sport since it was introduced to the public during the 1970s.

The word "Muay" means "to strike or punch," while "Thai" refers to its country of origin. Muay Thai traces its roots back hundreds of years when warriors would train using weapons like swords or staffs before transitioning into unarmed combat once they became skilled enough to fight without their weapons.

A good Muay Thai instructor will teach you how to punch, kick, knee, and elbow your opponent while always protecting yourself. Muay Thai is a beautiful sport, full of grace and power. It's one of the most popular martial arts in the world and can be practiced by anyone regardless of age or fitness level.


The last one we'll touch on is Aikido. Aikido is a Japanese martial art that was developed in the early 1900s. It's based on the principle of using an attacker's energy against them using circular movements to redirect force rather than blocking or striking back.

Aikido is not about fighting or winning; it's about learning to avoid conflict through understanding and cooperation with your attacker. The goal of aikido training is not physical self-defense but mental and spiritual growth (it has been described as "the art of peace"). Because this requires years of practice at higher levels, there are no competitions in aikido tournaments like other martial arts such as karate or taekwondo. You can only test your skills against yourself.

It may seem strange at first glance: why would anyone want to learn how to not fight? But the goal is to focus on calmness within yourself and to respect others instead of outside stressors. Aikido is excellent for building mental strength and endurance.

There are many different types of martial arts

With these eight martial arts types, we've barely begun to scratch the surface. There are over 180 different types of martial arts that exist today. However, it's essential to know that all martial arts fall into the same family of fighting systems practiced for thousands of years. The goal of martial arts is to develop physical and mental fitness and self-defense skills. To do this, martial artists practice various techniques that can be used in combat or everyday situations. Some people choose to train solely for self-defense purposes, while others enjoy the sport aspect of martial arts.

Whichever form you choose to engage in, all forms of martial arts are a great way to get fit and have fun. All the different martial arts types teach their unique style and techniques, so you can choose whichever one fits your personality best.

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